Jessica Simpson starts to beauty
All the drama and controversy hovering around Jessica Simpson lately has been a riot. In case you're not up-to-date on your Simpson scandal info, Jessica signed a deal with Weight Watchers a few months back to be a spokesperson for them and their bullshit media campaign where celebs gloat about how much weight they lost thanks to Weight Watchers (conveniently leaving out any mention of the army of doctors, dieticians, personal trainers and the millions of dollars worth of motivation they have to shed the pounds). Unfortunately for Weight Watchers, Jessica and her husband forgot about how human reproduction works and the curious fact that a woman is never more fertile than she is just after spitting out a rug rat. Long story short, Jessica got knocked up again and is starting to balloon when she was supposed to be flattening. Now Weight Watchers is pissed and I'm happy because Jessica's massive milk tanks are filling up again. And they're screwing a billion dollar corp...